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Publications (with links to .pdf files)


Myrvold, KM. 2024. A complete homogenization of temperatures during widespread flooding. River Research and Applications 40:1621-1625. pdf 

Mejia, FH, V Ouellet et al. 2023. Closing the gap between science and management of cold‐water refuges in rivers and streams. Global Change Biology 29:5482-5508. pdf 

Gundersen, V, KM Myrvold, BP Kaltenborn, O Strand and G Kofinas. 2022. A review of reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) disturbance research in Northern Europe: towards a social-ecological framework? Landscape Research 47:1100-1116.

Gundersen, V, KM Myrvold, GR Rauset, SK Selvaag and O Strand. 2021. Spatiotemporal tourism pattern in a large reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) range as an important factor in disturbance research and management. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 29:21-39

Myrvold, KM and BP Kennedy. 2020. Seasonal variation in growth, consumption, and growth efficiency in overwintering juvenile steelhead. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 29:450-464. pdf

Holter, TH, J Museth and KM Myrvold. 2020. Evaluating a fishway reconstruction amidst fluctuating abundances. River Research and Applications 36:1748-1753. pdf 

Myrvold, KM and BK Dervo. 2020. Flight elevation and water clarity affect the utility of unmanned aerial vehicles in mapping stream substratum. Fisheries Management and Ecology 27:167-169 pdf 

Gundersen, V, B Köhler and KM Myrvold. 2019. Seeing the forest for the trees: A review-based framework for better harmonization of timber production, biodiversity, and recreation in boreal urban forests. Urban Science 3:113.


Myrvold, KM and BP Kennedy. 2018. Increasing water temperatures exacerbate the potential for density dependence in juvenile steelhead. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 75: 897-907 pdf doi: 10.1139/cjfas-2016-0497

Myrvold, KM and BP Kennedy. 2018. Shifts in great blue heron habitat use following nest site usurpation: implications for salmonids. The American Midland Naturalist 179:105-125 pdf

Myrvold, KM and BP Kennedy. 2017. Size and growth relationships in juvenile steelhead: the advantage of large relative size diminishes with increasing water temperatures. Environmental Biology of Fishes 100:1373-1382 pdf appendix

Myrvold, KM and BP Kennedy. 2017. Indexing salmonid abundance in small streams using reduced effort electrofishing. Northwest Science 91:344-355 pdf appendix

Taylor, TN, KM Myrvold, and BP Kennedy. 2016. Food habits of sculpin spp. in small Idaho streams: no evidence of predation on newly emerged steelhead alevins. Northwest Science 90:484-490. pdf

Myrvold, KM and BP Kennedy. 2016. Juvenile steelhead movements in relation to stream habitat, population density, and body size: consequences for individual growth rates. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 73:1520-1529. pdf

Myrvold, KM and BP Kennedy. 2015. Density dependence and its impact on individual growth rates in an age-structured stream salmonid population. Ecosphere 6(12):281. pdf


Myrvold, KM and BP Kennedy. 2015. Local habitat conditions explain the spatial variation in the strength of self-thinning in a stream salmonid. Ecology and Evolution 5(16):3231-3242. pdf


Myrvold, KM and BP Kennedy. 2015. Interactions between body mass and water temperature cause energetic bottlenecks in juvenile steelhead. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 24:373-383. appendix pdf


Myrvold, KM and BP Kennedy. 2015. Variation in juvenile steelhead density in relation to instream habitat and watershed characteristics. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 144:577-590. pdf


Conference papers


Drones, underwater video, and neural network models: new approaches to studying stream salmonids and their habitats. 2023. Myrvold, KM and T Holter. Advances in the population ecology of stream salmonids – international symposium VI, Palma de Mallorca, Spain

The consequences that spatial scale impose on our understanding of intraspecific interactions: a long term study of growth & dispersal of juvenile O. mykiss. 2019. Kennedy, BP, A Anderson, and KM Myrvold. Advances in the population ecology of stream salmonids – international symposium V, Granada, Spain

Less crowded and cheaper living? Elucidating the reasons for high growth rates in overwintering juvenile steelhead. 2019. Myrvold, KM and BP Kennedy. Advances in the population ecology of stream salmonids – international symposium V, Granada, Spain

Warming temperatures amplify the impacts of density dependence in a stream salmonid. 2017. Myrvold, KM and BP Kennedy. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland OR.


Interactions among birds and consequences for their prey. Kennedy, BP and KM Myrvold. 2017. Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society and Idaho Chapter of the Wildlife Society joint annual meeting, Boise ID. * Awarded best professional talk - Ted Trueblood Communications Award, Idaho Chapter – Wildlife Society *


Juvenile steelhead movement in relation to population density, stream habitat, and body size, and their consequences on individual growth rates. Myrvold, KM, and BP Kennedy. 2016. Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Coeur d’Alene, ID. *Awarded best professional poster*


Demographic density dependence in age structured populations: effects on individual growth rates. Myrvold, KM and BP Kennedy. 2015. IBEST Science Expo, Moscow, ID.


Densities of juvenile steelhead in relation to instream habitat and watershed characteristics. Myrvold, KM and BP Kennedy, 2015. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Portland, OR.


Local habitat conditions explain the variation in self-thinning slopes in steelhead parr. Myrvold, KM and BP Kennedy. 2015. Advances in the population ecology of stream salmonids – international symposium IV, Girona, Spain.


The interacting effects of climate and population density on juvenile steelhead survival and migration: Insights from a 7-year study. Kennedy, BP, KM Myrvold, J Caisman, RB Hartson, and ER Benson. 2015. Advances in the Population Ecology of Stream Salmonids – international symposium IV, Girona, Spain.


Patterns and processes of density-dependent growth in juvenile steelhead in Lapwai Creek, ID. Kennedy, BP and KM Myrvold. April 18, 2013. Annual meeting for the Western Division American Fisheries Society, Boise, ID.


A bioenergetic- and habitat-based examination of self-thinning relationships in juvenile steelhead across a stream network. Myrvold, KM and BP Kennedy. August 21, 2012. Annual meeting for the American Fisheries Society, St. Paul, MN.


Effects of body mass, water temperature, and consumption rates on juvenile steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) growth in a hydrologically altered watershed. Myrvold, KM and BP Kennedy. March 8, 2012. Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Coeur d’Alene, ID.


Spatial and temporal variation in juvenile steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) summer growth and consumption in a hydrologically altered watershed. Myrvold, KM and BP Kennedy. September 5, 2011. Annual meeting for the American Fisheries Society, Seattle, WA.


Spatial variation in juvenile steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) population density and growth in the Lapwai Basin: Results from a bioenergetic approach. Myrvold, KM and BP Kennedy. May 3, 2011. Lapwai interdisciplinary forum, University of Idaho.


Spatial variation in juvenile steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) summer growth and consumption in a hydrologically altered watershed. Myrvold, KM and BP Kennedy. March 3, 2011. Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Boise, ID


Myrvold, KM. 2014. The ecology of juvenile steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss): determinants of population dynamics and individual performance across a heterogeneous stream environment. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Idaho, United States.


Myrvold, KM. 2006. Relationships between juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta) densities, their in-stream habitat, and riparian and watershed characteristics in tributary streams of the Numedalslågen River, Norway. Master's thesis, University of Life Sciences, Norway.



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