KM Myrvold
Ecological monitoring and indices to quantify biotic integrity
When is an ecosystem in good condition, and how do we assess the health of aquatic ecosystems at a national scale? And do the metrics we currently have at our disposal accurately reflect the function and integrity of the ecosystems?
In collaboration with researchers at NIVA and NORCE, we develop and test indices that are used to describe the quality or integrity of taxonomic groups in Norwegian rivers, e.g. the density of fish in streams or the diversity of benthic invertebrates.
The work is funded by the Norwegian Environment Agency (Miljødirektoratet), and is part of the baseline monitoring of rivers and lakes.
Sample publications:
Eriksen, TE, JT Thrane, KM Myrvold, M Grung, RD Vogt, G Velle, J Persson & JL Kemp. 2024. Overvåking i referanseelver Oppsummering av data for perioden 2017-2023. NIVA Rapport 8008-2024.
Myrvold, K.M., Ugedal, O. & Bremset, G. 2018. Økologisk tilstandsklassifisering i henhold til vannforskriften. Utfordringer knyttet til bestandsovervåking av fisk. NINA Rapport 1534. Norsk institutt for naturforskning
Moe, T.F., Thrane, J.E., Persson, J., Bækkelie, K.A., Myrvold, K.M., Olstad, K., Garmo, Ø.A., Grung, M. & de Wit, H. 2018. Overvåking av referanseelver 2017. Basisovervåking i henhold til vannforskriften. Miljødirektoratet rapport, M-1002. 279 s. ISBN: 978-82-577-6994-9
See list of publications here: