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KM Myrvold
Here are some pictures from the Lapwai Creek watershed and beyond.
All photos: KM Myrvold

Work station for fish tagging

PIT-tagging steelhead

Gut content from steelhead

Gut content from steelhead

Mottled sculpin

Flooding by beaver dam

A well fed juvenile steelhead in May

Sweetwater diversion canal

N.Fk. Coeur d'Alene River, ID

Sculpin (unknown species)

Lapwai Cr at Spalding

Late fall fieldwork, Lapwai

Nutrients for the stream

Spring Chinook

Drift sampling

Lower reach of Lapwai Creek

Sweetwater diversion canal

Spring Chinook in Marsh Creek, ID

Mayfly posing on field sheet

Heron rookery

Bald eagle nest, Hog Island

Lapwai Creek close to the Clearwater

Snake / Clearwater confluence

Bull snake

Rattle snake in Mission Cr, ID

Rolling hills

Lewiston Orchards

Silver Cr., ID

St. Joe River, ID


Stanley River, Sawtooth mts, ID

Big Creek, ID

Frank Church wilderness, ID

Frank Church Wilderness

Cascade Range, OR

Marsh Creek, ID

Gros Ventre wilderness, WY

East Fork Wallowa River, OR
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